Category Archives: WTF?

Single Ladies, Meet Robert!

From: Danville, Illinois
Age: 26
Profession: “Gift Sales”
Status: Never Been Married

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Chuck is the best.

Penis Power!!

Do you have penis power? Do you know what penis power is? Gather ’round…

This clip was posted by AllHipHop. It is 2 sistas having a conversation about sex… but one sista preaches the wrath of penis power, and how it breaks down a woman. This is a crazy one for sure.

Here are some lines you might enjoy before watching:

Some men, they have so much heat and intensity in they pe-nus… that you can feel it radiating through they clothes.

This man won’t even buy you some shrimp from Long John Silver’s.

He breakin her down man!

..PhDs.. Master degrees in acadamia.. but i have a master degree in bein played by men…

Here is the video… leave a comment, its pretty wild.

Continue reading Penis Power!!

CRAZY Laughing Yoga Video

To start this is a little wikipedia action to explain what laughing (laughter) yoga IS:

Laughter Yoga (Hasya Yoga) is a physically oriented technique that uses a blend of playful, empowering and otherwise “tension-releasing” simple laughter exercises. With gentle yoga-breathing and -stretching exercises, rhythmic clapping and chanting of Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha in unison a simulated laughter turns into real laughter. Laughter Yoga is done as a way to improve health, increase well-being and promote peace in the world through personal transformation. It is non-religious, non-sectarian, and non-political.

A typical Laughter Yoga session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. The session may be adapted to suit the needs, abilities and motivations of the group participating.

The Laughter Yoga method is the brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria, a family physician from Mumbai, India who started the first laughter club in 1995. He has been the catalyst for the creation of over 5,000 Laughter Clubs in 40 countries, mostly free and public.

And now… a video of the most crazy looking i have probably ever seen… LAUGHING.  This could also be used as a tutorial maybe titled “Laughing for Serial Killers”.  🙂

Continue reading CRAZY Laughing Yoga Video

Reality TV Editing Tricks

This is a small clip from Charlie Broker’s Screenwipe — a show from the BBC.

In the clip he gives a look into reality television and how it is edited together to create stories that can be 100% opposite from the context in which the video was shot.

This is filed under Amazing AND WTF? simply because reality television has become a huge success by undermining the intelligence of it’s viewers which is, to me, amazing and rightly deserves a WTF stamp.

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Cordyceps Fungus Attacks a Bullet Ant’s Brain

Well, this ranks up in the top 10 Craziest things i have Ever seen. The video in this post was taken from a BBC documentary and explains how the Cordyceps Fungus attacks a Bullet Ant’s brain, causes it to climb to a high point, then finally kills the ant.

Now for the crazy part; “the fruiting body of the Cordyceps” starts to grow OUT OF THE DEAD ANT’s BRAIN and eventually pops open, only to rain down spores (from a high point) and start the cycle over again. Totally Nuts, make sure you watch this.

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