World’s Fastest Clapper (He has a certificate)

This is no BS… this guy is in the Guinness Book of World Records for fastest clapper.  In this flick he does a warm up and then a true demonstration of his claptastic abilities.  Lets just say that his warm up is insane enough that i thought it was the demo…. until he kicked it up a notch and practically lifts off the ground with his clapfest.  We are talking 14 claps a second.

Reminds me of when i used to put baseball cards in my bike’s spokes.

Continue reading World’s Fastest Clapper (He has a certificate)

Blue Agave

Unfortunately there is no sound with this clip, but it is about 1 minute of a guy butchering a blue agave plant with first a machete and then with a shovel.

What is Blue Agave? Blue Agave is a succulent plant that grows primarily in mexico and according to wikipedia it likes “high altitudes of more than 1,500 m and sandy soil”. Blue agave also happens to be the Agave used for making tequilla… while tequilla tastes like crap and generally makes me a mean person, Continue reading Blue Agave