Ultimate Warrior says some of the most ridiculous things ever said!
Meet The Kid Who Unlocked the iPhone
This is George Hotz… a 17 year old savage who hacked the iPhone and unlock it, which means you can use it with any network.
This kid is a brain and an animal… and sorta laughs like a little girl 🙂
The Most Amazing Flying Kick You Will Ever See
“A Light Show For Your Bike”
Another Blogroll post today, and this time the link comes from WaffleBox. I recently added a link to WaffleBox on the Zlinks link list, because it’s a really cool site. I suggest you check it out.
Anyways, back to the point of this post… lights on bike tires! Check out the WB post (with tons of pics)! There are some amazing images being created by using LEDs in bike tires.
Hello Kitty… CAT Outfit
When Insults Had Class
This is a cool post i found on Angry 365 Days a Year. Angry 365 compiled a list of insults that are not bone head yo mama jokes… they are from a time when insults were said… then festered in your mind.
Learn Something New! The Fosbury Flop
I had no idea this guy pioneered the way the high jump is… jumped. The Fosbury flop was a NEW way of jumping over the bar and this video shows some sweet clips/history.
Some Dude Smokes Salvia
Damn what the hell is wrong with this guy? I came across this vid and since i posted the retarded ass slapping speed freak, i figured a video of some boob tripping his face off might be a good follow up.
Don’t Do Drugs
This speed head is on a slap fest. He’s got some beatz… uhhh… sorta.
A Sleeping Panda
Not the most comfortable way to sleep, but it will do……. if you are a panda.