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Category Archives: Owned
Bride Goes Nuts and Cuts Her Hair Off
Well this is just wild and really shows how crazy a crazy girl can get. The video is somewhat long but basically the bride comes in and is unhappy with her hair style… moments later, she goes crazy and starts cutting it all off, only 1 hour before the wedding!!
Hillarity ensues.
This post is getting tagged with Owned for self ownage, and WTF? for simply WTF is wrong with this chick.
Maury: “Andrew, You Are NOT The Father”
Absolutely hillarious. After Andrew’s ex tells Maury she is “5000%” sure he’s the father, Maury breaks the news… check out the dude’s response….. All I can say is it is NOT your typical response to hearing “You are NOT the father”. 🙂
This video is pretty old, but it is still one of the best on the net.
Greatest “Sorry I Hit Your Car” Note Ever
A good reason to NOT take two parking spots when there is a shortage of them already.
Record Breaking Jenga Tower Ruined by Reporter
Well this is just flat out sad! The guy being interviewed built the Leaning Tower of Piza out of Jenga blocks and the reporter interviewing him KNOCKS IT OVER! This video is a must see.
Continue reading Record Breaking Jenga Tower Ruined by Reporter
Pauly Shore Gets Knocked OUT
Man this is bad…. i actually feel pretty bad for Pauly Shore in this one but basically a group of YeeHaw Texans are messing with him, then he attempts to be a hard ass… yeah…
Super Hero Chick Owns Tailgaters
This girl has a pretty funny blog entry that basically outlines how she handles tailgaters — which can be summed up with slams on the breaks. I just want to say that I’m glad I have never been behind her! :X
Here is a funny excerpt:
Mr. Tailgater didn’t like that very much and inched up even closer to my ass. To really prove his point, he started flicking his headlights on and off. I gave him the finger. He responded by laying on his horn.
Livid, I picked up my cell phone and dialed my friend’s phone number. I’m going to be late, I calmly told her, I’m about to get into a traffic accident. Then I turned off my phone and slammed on my brakes.
“To the women who work in my office… I hate you”
This is an EXTREMELY funny rant from a post found on The guy pretty much breaks everyone down who works in his office and outlines their flaws and reasons why he hates them. I think the rant made it to Craigslist’s “BEST OF” section. The entire post is contained in this entry, so read more to see the whole thing. Continue reading “To the women who work in my office… I hate you”
John Safran vs Mormons
John Safran is going around Salt Lake City owning mormons. The clip also includes a hillarious intro about why he is doing what he’s doing.
Dr. Phil Confronts Scammers!
This is a cool video where Dr. Phil confronts some women who have been posing as the producers of his show. If that isn’t getting Owned, i don’t know what is!