A Master of His Yo Yo

This guy has some amazing skills with the yo yo.

Here is a fun fact:  I have a Yo Yo too.
Here is another fun fact:  This guy is so good @ yo yoing you probably would feel inferior just standing next to him will make you feel like an ass.
Here is a third fun fact:  The video comes from Michael (the crazy dago) — thanks man!

It looks like this was a Duncan sponsored event as Duncan is a pretty well known maker of yo-yo units and strings.  So before i post the clip here is a fact that you may have not known about Yo-Yos and Duncan:

“Originally constructed from wild boar sinew and papaya tree wood the outer edge of these ancient yo-yos were carved into teeth, which ensured maximum damage, but made the return catch particularly hazardous. When Captain Cook arrived in the Philippines in the 1500s he is said to have remarked, “Nowhere have I seen a people so devoted to the mastery of a weapon so useless.””

Now, get this!

 There is no conclusive documented evidence that the yo-yo is derived from, nor even existed in any form intended for use as a weapon. Generating enough force to create a fatal blow with a yo-yo would also be difficult because as the toy is reaching the end of the string it is slowing down. This rumor was possibly started by Tom Ives, Duncan’s PR man in the 1930s. There is speculation that he created the weapon myth during the 1930s fad for the publicity.

Can’t trust anything… now for the vid:

Continue reading A Master of His Yo Yo

Dark Sky over Death Valley, CA

I found this picture on NASA’s website. This is a picture over Death Valley in California. Warning, the image is GIGANTIC.

Explanation: This eerie glow over Death Valley is in danger. Scrolling right will show a spectacular view from one of the darkest places left in the continental USA: Death Valley, California. The above 360-degree full-sky panorama is a composite of 30 images taken two years ago in Racetrack Playa. The image has been digitally processed and increasingly stretched at high altitudes to make it rectangular.

In the foreground on the image right is an unusually placed rock that was pushed by high winds onto Racetrack Playa after a slick rain. In the background is a majestic night sky, featuring thousands of stars and many constellations.

The arch across the middle is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Light pollution is threatening dark skies like this all across the US, and therefore the International Dark-Sky Association and the US National Parks Service are suggesting methods that can protect them.

How To: Make a Bacon Martini


Wow this is just flat out FILTHY.

BUT… if you ever need to impress your boss of friends with your vast knowledge of uppity drinks…

WELL this is for you.

The bacon martini has:

  • Flava
  • Style
  • Class
  • More sensuality than Disaronno on the Rocks

And now for the recipe:

Perfect Bacon Martini
Lightly mist martini glass with vermouth, and rim the edge with bacon grease. In a cocktail shaker, mix 3oz vodka, one dash tobasco, and one dash olive juice. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Skim excess bacon grease from surface of cocktail. Garnish with one slice of bacon.