John McCain’s MySpace Page Hacked

Here is a tasty nugget I picked up over @ tech crunch. John McCain’s myspace page was hacked, er… “enhanced” when his staff used a profile template designed by Mike Davidson.

Mike Davidson gives out the myspace profiles for free as long as you credit him as the author, but apparently McCain’s staff removed the mandatory credit link and in retaliation Mike Davidson pulled the ol Switch a Roo on one of his images.

[Link to Techcrunch]

Wayne Dalglish – This Kid Will Kick Your Ass

Wayne Dalglish might just be some kid but he can kick some serious ASS. This kid has some blood curdling screams that would probably scare someone away before needing to actually assault them.

The three videos in this post are from different events he performed at — 2 include a bo staff and one is weaponless. Make sure you have sound so his primal screams can be fully enjoyed.

Continue reading Wayne Dalglish – This Kid Will Kick Your Ass

Cure Any Sore Throat…with Cayenne Pepper!

The title pretty much says it all.  I found this info via a post on My Financial Journey illustrating a “frugal” way to get rid of a sore throat.

The author says the following recipe will do the trick:

  • 1 standard drinking glass of hot to warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne powder
  • a couple pinches of salt for good measure (most people say its not necessary but it won’t hurt)

Gargle that up and apparently you have the cure all for sore throats.  The original source for this idea was posted @ the Earth Clinic and has 136 people saying it works!

$206 Million in Drug Money

Federal officials have seized US$205.6 million (euro154.3 million) in cash from a luxury house in one of Mexico’s most upscale neighborhoods and said Friday they believe the money was tied to the methamphetamine trade.

The statement said it was the largest seizure of drug money ever in Mexico.

And now, pictures of the 205.6 MILLION dollars… in CASH. I have to admit I’ve never seen this much money in cash.

Continue reading $206 Million in Drug Money